Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, March 21, 2011

18 Weeks

How Far Along: 18 Weeks!! 
Size of baby: Same size as a Bell Pepper.  About 5 1/2 inches from crown to rump and weighs around 7 ounces
Total Weight Gained: 2.5 pounds. 
Maternity Clothes: Not Yet!! I have bought a few things from Forever 21.
Movement: NOPE! :-( I havent felt any movements yet but Im told that I should be soon. 
What I miss: Wine
Cravings: Spaghettios and Chips & Salsa
Aversions: Nothing, really. But I really can't stand beer breathe. So if you have had one please don't talk to me.
Symptoms: I have been experiencing sciatic pain here and there. Thinking I might have to give up wearing heels a little sooner than I wanted.  I have also had a cold for the last week, which isnt any fun when you can't take any medication other than tylenol.  I should buy stock in cough drops and vitamin C.
Best Moment this week: Blowing out my birthday candles and being able to wish for a healthy baby for the first time. 

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